Extensions of Česká pojišťovna Building
The project consists of 4 two-level loft spaces of identical outline and rounded shape resembling an airship. Their structural system is slightly different, depending on the interior circulation cores constructed out of reinforced concrete. The main load-bearing structure has been designed as a spatial skeleton system assembled from transverse supporting ribs placed at approximately 2.7m centres and a ridgepole at the top with horizontal sub-purlins that support the roof covered by titan-zinc roofing sheets. The overall structural design is a result of our co-operation with the Lead Designer throughout the project since the initial architectural visions.
Glulam timber GL24h
Structural sawlog S10
Structural steel S235, S355
Construction period: 2007/2008
Location: Prague, Pankrác District
Glulam timber GL24h
Structural sawlog S10
Structural steel S235, S355
Construction period: 2007/2008
Location: Prague, Pankrác District